2023年4月30日 『人間とは何ですか』(創世記2章4-8節) | 説教      

2023年4月30日 『人間とは何ですか』(創世記2章4-8節)


In spring, the cherry blossoms bloom and the trees remind us of the beauty of nature. Earth is a really beautiful planet. The only beautiful star in the universe. Why.


Why does the earth continue to rotate at the same speed once a day? Why does it move around the sun at the same time every year along the same course? Science can explain natural phenomena, but it does not answer the question, “Why is it so?”


Many people do not believe in God. But deep down, everyone believes in something more powerful than humans. That’s why, when people are really dying, when they need more help than they can, people shout “God!” Why is it so?


Evolution teaches that everything in this world is the result of chance. On the other hand, the Bible teaches that this world was designed and created by God. Could it all be the result of chance , the beautiful world we live in today? Did all the really well-made bodies like the human body come about just by chance?


George Washington, the first president of the United States, did not believe in God when he was a child, saying, “I don’t believe in an invisible God.” So one day, his Christian father quietly sowed flower seeds in the garden’s flower bed in the shape of the letter George. When the flowers began to sprout, George saw it and ran to his father. “The flower bud in the flower bed has my name. Who planted it?”


So his father said to him. “When you saw the flower buds bearing your name, you thought it wasn’t a coincidence, did you? You thought someone planted them? Then when you look at such a beautiful world like ours, don’t you believe that there is a God who made it?” Hearing this, George earnestly started to seek the God who made the world, became a great believer, and did great work for America.


In Chapter 2 of Genesis, which we read today, it describes the time when God created human beings. The words in verse seven are especially important. Read it again. “The Lord God formed man from the dust of the earth, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, so that man became a living being.”


First of all, it is written that “God formed man”, but the Hebrew word used here is the word “Yazzar”. This is a term used describing potters when they make pottery. A potter takes a lump of clay and molds it into a beautiful vessel with his fingers very carefully.


This word includes the meaning that the maker put his heart and love into making the best thing. We human beings are not born as a result of chance; each person’s life is lovingly created by God.


However, it is written that God formed man from the dust of the earth. It turns out that the materials and chemicals that make up our bodies are not a big deal. In other words, if our bodies and Ohtani’s bodies were sold like meat from a butcher shop, they would be sold at the same price. And when our bodies die, they return to the dust of the earth.


However, humans were not yet alive. Man became alive when God breathed the breath of life into man’s nostrils. This is the crucial difference between humans and other creatures. According to the Bible, other living things are also made of the dust of the earth. The ingredients are exactly the same.


Other creatures came to life as soon as God created them, but humans only came to life when they received God’s breath. The Hebrew word for “breath” also means “spirit.” What makes man different from other animals is that he has within him the breath of God, the part of God.


Humans are not human because they walk on two legs. It doesn’t make much of a difference whether you walk with two or four. Of course, walking on two legs looks more beautiful.


Humans are not human because they use words. In fact, all living things have language. As a communication tool, humans have language, Other animals also some form of langage as a means of communication amang them although it is different from human language. I saw it on a TV program before, but it seems that plants also have a way of conveying messages to other members.


Human beings have a special value different from other animals because each person is made to order by God’s hands, and at the same time, we have God’s breath, God’s spirit, and a part of God in ourselves.


Our life is born from the union of the father’s sperm and the mother’s egg, but this is the work of God. No one in this world is born by chance. No one is born unworthy in this world. Our physical parents may not have wanted us to be born, but God wanted us to live and so created our lives.


A person’s worth is not determined by the material of the body. A person’s value is not determined by what kind of work he or she has done in this world, either. Human beings have value because they are life created by God.


The Bible says, “We are the handiwork of God.” (Ephesians 2:10) We are God’s piece of art work. Artworks are very valuable to the artists who created them. Each piece of art work is extremely important. Mozart numbered all his compositions. Because every piece of his music was special to him.


Even if we have a disease-prone body, even if we don’t have a particularly high IQ, and even if we don’t have a particularly high level of athletic ability, we are God’s unique art workt, so we are of great value.


But this human value will be our own when we live with God. When you believe in God and live as a child of God, that value becomes actually your own.


Many people in the world live apart from God and do not own this wonderful value that God gives them. Many people wonder Why was I born? Many people wonder what they are living for. Many people work hard to be recognized for their worth in this world. However, people in the world do not readily recognize our value.


We now have many problems. There are various problems such as international affairs, domestic crimes, and troubles in human relations. There are various reasons and causes for these problems, but the Bible teaches that the root of these problems is that humans are separated from God and live with selfish thoughts. The Bible calls it sin.


Young children are safe when they are in their parents’ hands, but when they are out of their hands, they often do not know what to do and are in great danger. In the same way, human beings created by God are safest when they live with God, and various dangers and troubles arise when they live apart from God.



You are the only one being in the world created by God. You are a precious person in God’s eyes.

However, please remember that the value becomes clearly our own when we believe in God and live with God.

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